Maastoautoilijat Ry.

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   Etusivu      Himalaja2010_kilpailukutsu_eng
Himalaja 24h 2010 1-2.10.2010
Competition invitation

Welcome to Himalaja 24h Off-Road competition!
The race is part of Off-Road Orienteering Cup series and is driven with CUP rules, for more information check out The race has four different classes that are defined in the Off-Road Orienteering Cup rules. There has been rule changes from year 2009 so read carefully the new rules. The goal of the race is to find control points in the terrain using 4x4 car and the help of GPS and coordinates. Map system is WGS84 and coordinates are given in paper in the format of degree/minutes/parts of minutes (deg/min.mmm).
Duration of the race is 23 hours + 1 hour. Finishing the race has one (1) hour overtime marginal after which the drive is dismissed. Any drives that last more than 23 hours are deductible by two (2) points by every starting minute. Racing time is determined by the starting time. For example if starting time is 9:45 it means that finishing time is 8:45 (+ 1 hour extra marginal, where every starting minute deducts two points).
Control points are checked with digital camera. Every control point must be photographed and the photo must clearly show the cars racing number or license plate number and control point number and in touch proximity. The car must be so close to the control point that either the driver or co-driver can reach out and be able to touch same time the control point sign and their car by hand. Racing teams must have their own digital cameras. Cameras must be equipped to handle about 250 pictures at 1024x768 resolutions. If the memory card is too full, it is possible to give pictures to organizers at the race office and then erase card for more pictures. Control points are scored by level of difficulty. Race includes so called “dangerous control points” that only can be retrieved by cars, which have passed the safety bar inspection. Every class has the same control points. Accepted race requires that at least 10 control points are checked in the correct manner.
Preliminary timetable:
Friday 1.10
Signing up and inspection     14.00 - 16.00
Driver meeting                    16.30 - 16.50
Start of the race                  17.00 - 18.00
Saturday 2.10
Finishing withing 23+1h of your start
Result are calculated            16.00 - 20.00
Results are published           ca. 20.00
Protest time 30 minutes after results
Dinner                                19.30 ->
Prize giving ceremony           ca.21.30
After party / band                ca.22.00 ->
Race area corner coordinates:
N61 31.667 E27 30.068
N61 23.599 E27 28.897
N61 27.389 E26 51.385
N61 36.807 E26 53.768
Race Office / Race center:
Ristiina's education center's sand field, Mäkitie 30, 52300 Ristiina.
On the race center's field is: Trailer park, parc fermé, buffet, race office, service and sale place for secondhand parts.
Competitors own busses and trucks have different parking area. Take contact to the head of race when you are arriving and he will arrange a guide to help you find the right place for your vehicle.
Head of race: Jarkko Kortelainen
Alternative head of race: Ari Ripatti
Track supervisors: Jarkko Kortelainen, Marko Pöyry
Safety manager: Jukka Kortelainen
Results: Janne Kortelainen ja Kalle Myllärinen
Judge: Jarkko Kortelainen
Judge: Janne Kortelainen
Judge: Kalle Myllärinen
Accommodation and buffet:
There is a buffet at the race center that is open at all times during the race, where you can buy food, candies, coffee and another drinks.
Note: the buffet does not have it's full assortments for the full duration of the race, but coffee and sausages should be available at any given time.
There is another buffet at the audience area, which is open on Saturday 10:00-18:00, like the competition area itself.
Other diner places are Martan Baari (Ristiina central) and Neste Ristiina  (look at service).
Accommodation near by:
Gas and service:
Nearest gas station (Neste) which is open full race time is located N60º29.739’ E25º33.154’ about 13km from race center.
Mikkelin Rengaspalvelu sets up repairing service near race center for the duration of the race.
NOTE! Open fire, welding and similar repairs that require open flame or heat at woods is prohibited at the expense of disqualification.
Participation fee: 140 €.
While paying, write to the additional information box “Himalaja, Team Name”.
Payment information:
IBAN FI 025271 2120 055675
Etelä-Savon Maastoautoilijat ry
Etelä-Savon Osuuspankki finland
Signing up:
Note! everyone who have signed up and have payed before 17.9 gets race shirts (2pce. / team) Put information of shirt sizes in your registration.
Welcome to Himalaja!
Etelä-Savon Maastoautoilijat Ry
Jarkko Kortelainen
+358 407 655 666